, by webmasters, for webmasters

Meet Some Pros

Stephanie Agresta
Michael Brito
Chris Brogan
Jason Calacanis
Matt Cutts
Vanessa Fox
Seth Godin
Sue Nolff
Danny Sullivan
Karon Thackston

Michael Brito

Michael Brito

contact Michael

Michael describes himself as a "Social Media Strategist at Intel. I also blog at" on his Twitter bio.

Michael says, "I blog, communicate and build relationships with other people. I Twitter actively; so much that I have written a personal Twitter Manifesto. I believe that marketing is good; and if you love your customers they’ll love you back and tell people about it. I believe that business results are critical but should not be the driving force behind connecting with people. I believe in being real, authentic and human. I believe that consumers are real people with real passions. Let’s start treating them that way. I am a recovering direct marketer. I have learned that conversations are more valuable than conversions; even though they are more difficult to measure. I refuse NOT to have fun at my job. Oh, and I am a social media strategist at Intel Corporation."