, by webmasters, for webmasters

Meet Some Pros

Stephanie Agresta
Michael Brito
Chris Brogan
Jason Calacanis
Matt Cutts
Vanessa Fox
Seth Godin
Sue Nolff
Danny Sullivan
Karon Thackston

Vanessa Fox

Vanessa Fox

email Vanessa

Vanessa modestly describes herself as "sometimes literary" on her Twitter bio.

Vanessa says, "My latest projects are Jane and Robot (search-friendly design patterns for web developers) and Nine by Blue (thoughts on holistic online marketing, customer relationships, and measuring search as an acquisition channel).

I’m also working with Ignition Partners as an Entrepreneur in Residence and am Features Editor at Search Engine Land.

Before this, I spent a lot of time building web sites, being a user advocate, developing products, and writing. When I was at Google, I built Webmaster Central."